Thursday, June 28, 2012


El capitan. The bossman. Team captain. He's the guy in charge. Taivan is the only black Mongolian I have ever met, but that's not the only reason he's one of a kind.

Taivan is currently heading up the Young Life team here in Mongolia, and has been integral in putting the pieces back together after the accident last summer. He is our translator much of the time, and for that we are very grateful.

Taivan first went to Young Life camp in 2002, where he first met Erik. That year, Taivan was a cabin leader. Erik and Taivan have been good friends ever since, and have spent much time together in the past ten years over Erik's previous six trips to Mongolia. The connection between them is strong, like brothers.

This year, Taivan is the man. He is not only in charge of making camp happen, he is also bringing the reason camp is happening. Camp doesn't happen just so that kids can get away from the city and have the best week of their lives. Camp happens so that kids will hear the gospel. Over the next ten days, Taivan will deliver club talks focusing on the person of Christ, the diety of Christ, his death, and resurrection and the forgiveness of sins.

Taivan without a doubt has the most important job this week. Pray that God would fill him and use him as his mouthpiece. Pray that the eager ears would be open to the good news that he brings them. This is a country thirsty for forgiveness, and the enemy wishes to deprive them of the living water that will quench their thirst. Pray that all of the enemy's attacks will fail as Taivan boldly and fearlessly declares that Christ is Lord.

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