Sunday, June 24, 2012


This morning, Erik and I finally slept past 6:00 am. We're winning the battle against jet lag, finally getting on a Mongolian schedule. When we looked out the window, we saw what looked like the remains of a city wide pillow fight gone wrong, feathery whiteness everywhere. Still stormy with cottonwood blizzards in the forecast.

Taivan met us at the office and took us to church today. The church, where Erik has stayed while here on other trips, is several blocks from the office. It is a big building with an inlaid stone or marble cross on the front. The whole downstairs is office space. The sanctuary is upstairs.

Erik and I were able to recognize most of the songs and sing along in English, and sometimes I was able to sing along in Spanish. It sounded like heaven--literally--all those tongues giving glory to God in one chorus.

Then, to throw in another language, the pastor got up and gave the sermon in Korean. A woman stood next to him and translated into Mongolian, and Taivan sat between Erik and me and translated into English. The church had been planted by Korean Christians, and they still haven't transitioned to a fully Mongolian service. But they could be close.

From what I was able to gather from the sermon, it was about God's faithfulness to Nehemiah, and how Nehemiah was faithful while praying for the leaders of the country in which he was held captive and while rebuilding his own country's defenses. With elections happening at the end of the week, it seemed to be an appropriate sermon for the Mongolian audience.

After church, we grabbed a quick lunch with Taivan, and then decided to go on a walk around town hunting souvenirs, rather than staying cooped up in the office. I enjoy bargain hunting, and am looking forward to sharing what I found with many of my friends back home. But that will remain a surprise.

We're still working through 1 John. I'm still struck with how incredibly simple yet complex that letter is. On so many levels it is simply reminding us of Christ's Great Commandment, to love God and to love each other. But there is so much to unpack. So much grace, forgiveness, discernment. I'm really looking forward to working through it with our high school friends at the end of the summer.

Tonight we're back home, listening to some rainy day music. We had a light dinner, and are looking for another night of good rest. For those of you who have been praying for our sleep and our energy, we are very grateful. Those prayers are being answered. Please continue to pray that we would have open eyes to see the places that God wants us to equip, empower, and encourage. We often do not know the plan, but He is already moving. We just need to follow.

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