Monday, July 9, 2012

New Crowd

It's always a strange feeling when kids leave a camp. Even though we went into the deal knowing they'd leave in six days, there's still a slight sense of abandonment that comes as the busses pull away. And it's a stranger feeling when those same busses have just dropped off the next herd of kids.

Again, the busses arrived early, and Erik and I raced down to greet the kids, snapping pictures for our evening slideshow as they stepped off the bus. This group of kids came with their own intrinsic excitement, so glad to be at camp. And it's a good thing that they came to us excited, because it has rained off and on for most of the afternoon.

Taivan just finished his talk on creation, and the thunder and lightning picked where he left off, and the wind joined the chorus. The tin roof on our room is rolling with each gust, exaggerating each roll of thunder, each drop of rain. And we can feel the breeze through the walls. It could be a long night.

And it's been a long couple of nights. We have both had trouble sleeping, unfortunately on opposite ends of the night. Days have been long as a result, but good. This new week looks to be more exciting than the first, though there are still dark clouds and rainstorms on the horizon. These kids bring all the energy themselves, and we're looking forward to introducing them to Christ.

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