Saturday, May 19, 2012

All In

A few years ago, when Erik left on his sixth trip to Mongolia, I was still in high school. It wasn’t an option for me to go. But I told him then, “The next time you fly across the world, I’m coming with you. I’m all in.”
That opportunity is finally here, though not without its struggles.

After months of fundraising, and dollars trickling in, we found ourselves approaching our deadline with only enough money to purchase a single plane ticket. I was just about ready to step back, reevaluate the trip, and let Erik know that maybe this was God’s way of telling us something. Maybe the door to Mongolia was closed for me.

But we made one last attempt. We sent one last letter, which many of you received, and within a week we were blessed with not only enough money to buy both tickets, but just enough to reach our constantly inflating budget. It took plenty of patience on our part, and plenty of willing hearts on yours, but both our travels are paid for, our passports sent off for visas, and the packing has begun.

Of course, all this comes in the middle of our big fundraising season, and the story wouldn’t be complete without the rest of our struggles.

We are also in the midst of raising campership funds for our friends from Sanger and Fowler who are going to Woodleaf with us this summer. At $500 a kid, this is no easy task. We are spending most days after school doing yard work or cleaning carpets. I like to call this pre-cabin time work, because it helps us to know our young friends better and build relationships that will change their lives. As much as I enjoy this, and as fulfilling as it is, there’s a constant worry about raising enough funds.

We are also planning a discipleship camp for our Campaigners kids. This camp isn’t until the end of the summer, but as our available time to plan dwindles, we have begun looking at 1 John, and are planning daily activities. We planned to spend at least one of the days on Huntington Lake. The problem, though, was getting all our kids and leaders on the water together. That problem was solved nearly as fast as it takes to search Craigslist. We found four tandem kayaks for half price, and found businesses in Fowler that were willing to support our work with the local youth. They not only helped us raise enough to buy the boats, but also to fix them up a bit with new seat backs and such. All this came together in only five days’ time. And all we can say is that God must have big plans for the first ever Summer Blast.

All that said, the preparation is in full swing. I just got home from REI, where, luckily, I found their huge anniversary sale underway. My pack is slowly gathering gear.

And so we’re just about set. We plan to spend two weeks at Young Life camp in Mongolia, equipping and encouraging the local staff in the wake of the tragic loss of their national director that followed camp last year. We will then spend a week in Ulan Bator, the capitol city, providing training for Young Life staff and leaders. We look forward to serving alongside our brothers and sisters, forming new relationships, and solidifying old ones.

As we prepare, we would ask that you join us in prayer. Pray for our safety and well being, our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Pray for the Mongolian staff, that they would be encouraged, that we would find them well. Pray for the leaders, that their passion for Christ would be evident in every word and action. Pray for the youth of Mongolia, that their hearts would be opened, softened toward the gospel. Pray for each person that we come into contact with, that they may meet Christ in a new way.

At this point, we are all in. And by that, I mean all of us are all in, including you. Thank you for joining us in the Mission to which Christ has called us, for both your financial, moral, and spiritual support. We are looking forward to sending pictures and stories back around the world, and to sharing even more when we return.